
TV Rain: Stefania Kulaeva on the recruitment of migrants for war from a report on the impact of war on minorities and migrants

Секретные похороны Пригожина. Угроза нового военного мятежа. В Москве нашли фигуристку Горбачеву

In “The Outcome of the Day” for August 29, 2023, Stefania Kulaeva reports on ADC Memorial’s monitoring of violations of the rights of groups vulnerable to discrimination in situations of war and the coercion of foreign nationals to participate in Russia’s war crimes.

Obviously, in the context of the military crisis, the situation of migrants could not but become even more vulnerable for several reasons at once. These include economic insecurity of foreign workers and attempts of the authorities to increase the loyalty of the population in conditions of political turbulence with the help of xenophobia. But some aspects turned out to be less predictable: the active mobilization of migrants to participate in military operations and the use of their labor in occupied territories.

Read more of the report’s chapter on the recruitment of migrants for war

The full report “A year of monitoring the situation of minorities and migrants”

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