

School crisis and the rights of the child

Ilya Berdyshev’s “School crisis and the rights of the child: psychotherapeutic recommendations to teachers and parents regarding “troubled” students” is an attempt to express in a condensed form the author’s views on the current school crisis, which is so acute...

Brief guide to Romani language

Shapoval V. Brief guide to Roma language (Сăldărari dialect). St. Petersburg, “Anima”, 2008. – 134 p. This guide is intended for teachers working in classes with Сăldărari Roma children. It contains grammatical explanations, exercises, texts with parallel educational translation and...

Discovering the paths of memory

“Dicovering the paths of memory” is a pamphlet devoted to the historical memory of the victims of the Porajmos, genocide of Romani people during the Second World War. The project “National-Socialist Genocide of Romani people – discovering erased paths of...

“Roma Tales” by Alexander Klein

On April 8, 2010, on the International Romani Day, Anti-Discrimination Centre “Memorial” released a collection of fairy tales in Roma language (with translation into Russian) by Alexander Klein and a compact disc with the author’s reading of his book. The...
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