In December 2014 Saint Petersburg city court ruled to free Mr. A., a Ukrainian citizen, from the Center for detention of foreign nationals and annul earlier court ruling on his deportation from the Russian Federation. Earlier A. was charged with…

Joint press-release of ADC “Memorial” and “Migration and Law” Network On October 17, 2014 the UN Human Rights Committee made a ruling in case of Kesmatulla Khakdar, a citizen of Afghanistan, who lived in Russia for a long time. The…
Who is allowed to live in Russia? Russian legislation and the rights of migrants for family unity
A court ruling in favor of human rights, especially if the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) is quoted, is a quite rare and thus a very welcome event in Russia. Because of that it we are glad to report…
As the immigration regulations in Russia become harsher and the practices of law enforcement agencies are often based on arbitrary interpretation of the rules, we are witnessing more and more absurd cases when people are prosecuted on ridiculous charges. Recently…

The UN Human Rights Committee has registered the complaint and used Rule 92 of the procedure to ban deportation of the citizen of Afghanistan, Hakdar K., at the moment staying in Saint Petersburg. He asked for help of ADC Memorial…

For the first time in Russia, Rule 39 of the European Court for Human Rights Regulations was applied with regard to the citizen of Somalia. The lawyer, Olga Tseitlina, stated the corresponding demands in the European Court on behalf of…