Tristan Tirkia, a stateless person and a native of Georgia, had been imprisoned in the center for detention of foreign nationals in Krasnoye Selo (Leningrad region) for more than a year since February 2015. Conditions of detention in this penitentiary…

According to the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, there are currently an estimated 12 million stateless people in the world. The number of such people in Russia is estimated to be about 178,000. The collapse of the Soviet Union has led to an increase in the number of stateless persons, especially among those who belonged to national minorities: there were people that the emerging post-Soviet governments considered to be belonging to citizenship of other countries, even if they had lived on certain territories for many years. A large number of stateless persons are those of Roma origin.
The state must protect everyone, including persons without citizenship, against violations of human rights. Detention of stateless persons in detention centers for foreign nationals with the aim of further deportation from the country for violating the rules of stay in Russian Federation can not be considered legitimate as deportation is not feasible in such cases.

This report concerns the violations of the rights of stateless persons and foreign citizens placed in the specialized institutions for the temporary detention of foreign citizens (SITDFNs) by Russian courts in order to “guarantee their expulsion from the RF”. In…
Arkhangelsk court supported the right of stateless person for defense against arbitrary imprisonment
Tadzhikistan native Khurshed Mardonshoyev was freed from Saint Petersburg centre for detention of foreign nationals following 10 months imprisonment thanks to the efforts of his lawyer supported by ADC “Memorial”. This case was in many ways similar to the case…
In mid-May, following a year-long detention in the Centre for temporary detention of foreign nationals, a stateless person born in Georgia, Mr.P., was freed from arrest. His lawyer had made an appeal to the Leningrad regional court against an earlier…
Ilgar A., a stateless person, who had left the country of his origin as a child and since then had lived in Russia, was arrested for violation of immigration regulations on February 2, 2015. He had been arrested before and…
The decision by the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) in Kim v. Russia has strategic significance for similar cases involving the detention with a view toward expulsion of stateless persons in a SUVSIG. No country will accept them, which renders…