Theme: bulletin


Special issue #WorldCup2018, June 2018

Are you welcome in Russia 2018 Arbitrariness and football Stefania KULAEVA Bans on women’s labor persist: Russia ignores international standards and Russian court rulings Russia received more than 300 recommendations under the UN HRC Universal Periodic Review Joint Letter to...

Bulletin № 57, April 2017

All Jobs for All Women Join the Campaign of ADC Memorial #AllJobs4AllWomen Participants and supporters of the Campaign Support of the campaign in the EU Women’s rights CEDAW UN recommends Ukraine to review the ban on certain professions. Press release...

Bulletin № 55, October 2016

Death of little Umarali Nazarov: case closed, questions remain Press-release by ADC Memorial Central Asia : The ordeal of migrant workers and their families Supreme Court overruled expulsion of Tajik student from Russia ADC “Memorial” achieved release of stateless person...

Bulletin № 54, July 2016

Protection of civil society The Persecution of Human Rights Defenders and Journalists Must End! Statement of ADC Memorial Overcoming the obstacles created for civil society: response of the international community Olga ABRAMENKO “Antiterrorism” and “anti-extremism” as means of suppressing civil...

Bulletin № 53, April 2016

The Self-Government Body of the Crimean Tatar People must not be Banned Campaign in solidarity with the Roma of Donbass Roma Woes as a Reflection of the Political Course Stefania KULAEVA Life safety is a universal right with no exceptions...