The UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) has begun reviewing the state report of Tajikistan and also held an informal meeting with NGOs. ADC “Memorial” was the only NGO presenting alternative material that has participated in the…
Theme: minorities’ rights

On August 3-4, 2017 the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) reviewed the reports of the Russian Federation on the implementation of the relevant convention. The Committee took into account alternative materials, including the report prepared by…

Alternative Report of ADC Memorial, CrimeaSOS, SOVA Center, together with FIDH (International Federation for Human Rights) on the Implementation of the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination By the Russian Federation. For the 93rd Session…

This report by the ADC Memorial examines the problems faced by some of Tajikistan’s ethnic minorities who (unlike, for instance, Uzbeks, or Kyrgyz, or Russians who also live in Tajikistan) do not have their own state: Jughi, Pamiri, and Yaghnobi….
Speech at informal briefing with the Committee In today’s Armenia, ethnic minorities are still often discriminated – there is predominance of cultural and social stereotypes towards people that are not ethnically Armenian and have a different religion to that prevailing…
During the informal meeting with NGOs the Committee Experts showed great interest in the problem of non-fulfillment of the decisions of the Council for Equality, the issue of incomparably high levels of intolerance against the Roma people, particularly exclusion from…