The UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination sent an official request to the government of Belarus regarding the measures aimed at guarantees of the rights of Roma minority following the massive arrests of Roma in Mahileu and other…
The UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination sent an official request to the government of Belarus regarding the measures aimed at guarantees of the rights of Roma minority following the massive arrests of Roma in Mahileu and other…
The UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination forwarded the official request to the government of the Russian Federation asking to provide information on the anti-Roma pogroms in Chemodanovka (Penza region, 2019) and and on the forced eviction of…
Ukraine: Report to the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination is an opportunity to assess the situation of Roma people and find effective ways to respond to hate crimes Statement of Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Group and ADC Memorial…
Romale, take care of yourself, follow the quarantine! Happy Easter! Orthodox Easter, traditionally celebrated by the Roma communities in our region, is coming. During the coronavirus pandemic, a key concern is the health of the inhabitants of the compact settlements, often there are no conditions and possibilities to follow…
Poor education, unemployment, poverty, raids, pogroms and other manifestations of racism, arbitrary police behavior, demolition of homes, and lack of documents—this has been the reality for generations of Romani people. These factors not only blend together, but also reinforce one…
Poor education, unemployment, poverty, raids, pogroms and other manifestations of racism, arbitrary police behavior, demolition of homes, and lack of documents—this has been the reality for generations of Romani people. These factors not only blend together, but also reinforce one…