ADC “Memorial” took part in special events, which were part of the meeting of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR). Experts ADC “Memorial” visited a number of plenary sessions and side-events of ODIHR devoted to human…
Theme: Roma rights
In a few days, we will commemorate the liquidation 71 years ago of the so-called “Gypsy family camp” at Auschwitz-Birkenau. On 2 August 1944, 2 897 persons were taken to the gas chambers and exterminated. Only a few months earlier,…
Irkutsky Reporter: “People cannot simply be thrown out onto the street, be them Roma or Russian.”
About fifty people, including some thirty children, can become homeless in Irkutsk. Back in 2014 Leninsky district court ruled in a case of Irkutsk city administration against two persons that illegal housing (a Roma settlement) on 1st Kirovskaya street…
On May 8, 2015, the day marking the end of World War II, ADC “Memorial” presented English version of its report “Roma and War in Eastern Ukraine: refugees, displaced persons, victims of violence” with the support of the International Partnership…
In December 2014 Roma community in Pskov region was shocked by a tragedy of a young woman. Dead body of Oxana K., a Roma woman, was found in the forest not far from the city. As it was later discovered,…
The UN as a Forum for Discussion
Refusal by governmental authorities to engage in dialogue with human rights activists (such as non-profit organizations that have been labeled as “foreign agents”) renders the arranging of roundtable discussions impossible. Government officials aren’t going to reach out to the activists…