20 Minutos: A pesar de este pequeño avance, el colectivo de mujeres tenía aun mucho camino por recorrer para llegar hasta la igualdad con los hombres. Por ello, tras varios años de protestas, en septiembre de 2020 la lista de…
20 Minutos: A pesar de este pequeño avance, el colectivo de mujeres tenía aun mucho camino por recorrer para llegar hasta la igualdad con los hombres. Por ello, tras varios años de protestas, en septiembre de 2020 la lista de…
Thanks to the efforts of the participants of #Alljobs4allwomen campaign, starting January 1, 2021, more than a hundred professional occupations, including some which are in high demand, as those in the transportation sector, will become available for women in Russia….
ADC Memorial supports the campaign #Genderequality and publishes an animated mini-film “You are not alone” opposing domestic violence as a form of gender discrimination. Women are the most vulnerable and unprotected in the countries that have no laws against domestic…
ADC Memorial joins the campaign #GenderEquality launched yesterday on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. Violence and discrimination affect persons of different genders: there is also Transgender Day of Remembrance in November, when we commemorate victims…
In the present submission Anti-Discrimination Centre Memorial provides information on the situation of ethnic minorities in Kazakhstan, the situation of vulnerable groups – women, children and migrants – during COVID-19 pandemic, and wide-spread homophobia and lack of protection by state….
During the 77th session of the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), international experts were asked to assess the situation in Azerbaijan and make their recommendations to the country’s authorities. In their joint statement, the human…