
ADC “Memorial” continues its work

Checks of non-commercial organizations in Russia, which have started in late March this year and took more than a month, have consumed a lot of time and energy of the human rights defenders, including the staff of ADC “Memorial”. The check has resulted in launching an administrative case against ADC “Memorial” based on Article 19.34 (parts 1 and 2) of the Code on administrative violations. This has increased our workload a lot – we have to prepare for the court hearings, work on defending our position and proving our innocence. This continues to take a lot of time and energy. Many people, especially journalists, asked us whether it had interrupted regular operations of our organization, i.e. defending human rights and continuing charity work on the projects that we pursue. In spite of all the troubles ADC “Memorial” continues its work.

Cooperation with ombudsman

ADC “Memorial” initiated discussions on school education for Roma children in Leningrad region

An appeal to the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination
against Women delivered by ship navigator Svetlana Medvedeva

Convicted Roma got assistance in appealling to the European Court of
Human Rights concerning violation of his right for a fair trial and
discrimintaion during criminal prosecution

Saint Petersburg city court ruled that detention for an indefinite
period before the execution of the ruling on deportation is a
violation of the rights of foreigners and people without citizienship

Court rules in favor of a labor migrant

Cultural events for children – one of the ways to overcome segregation
of schoolchildren coming from vulnerable groups

An Uzbek citizen with four children received help in getting documents
and living for her native country