
FIDH is launching a global campaign #SeeYouInCourt

Wanted: Companies that violate human rights by poisoning the planet. Your day in court has arrived.

FIDH is launching a global campaign called #SeeYouInCourt – a litigation initiative that goes after corporations that harm the environment, fuel the climate crisis, and violate human rights.

Until now, these companies have benefitted from impunity. FIDH, its member organisations and affected communities are seeking to tip the balance of power and hold them to account.

FIDH pushes for the right to a healthy environment to be recognised as a “new” human right in and of itself.

Legal Actions: 

#SeeYouInCourt brings together a series of pilot cases already underway and marks the starting point for new legal actions.

Cases already underway 👇 

Ecuador: Indigenous community sues Chinese oil company for climate change impact

Chile: French water multinational sued for health crisis

Colombia: La Guajira communities launch appeal against multinationals

Actions filed today:


The Observatorio Ciudadano, FIDH’s Chilean organisation, files a “protective” action to counter the environmental and climate impacts of coal-fired power plants (mainly those of AES Gener) in Chile, and the failure of environmental authorities to adequately control their emissions.


FIDH’s Colombian association, CAJAR, calls for the emergency protection of the Guajira communities, who are gravely threatened by the diversion of the Bruno stream to allow for the expansion of coal mining activities.

On top of immediate redress for affected communities, FIDH’s campaign seeks to send a strong message to states. It calls them to correct a blind spot in climate and environmental policies: corporate responsibility; and to urgently recognize the right to a healthy, safe, clean and sustainable environment (currently in discussion at the Human Rights Council).

More on the #SeeYouInCourt campaign’s webpage