
A training workshop on administrative cases

A training workshop, aimed at preparing defence attorneys to represent the interests of civil activists, who are being prosecuted for administrative violations, will take place in Anti-Discrimination Centre “Memorial” on March 16 at 18:00 at the following location: 7th Krasnoarmeiskaya Street, house 25/14, office 410, tel. (812) 317-89-30.

Recently, as a result of the numerous protests and illegal police actions during subsequent arrests, the number of people who are being prosecuted for administrative violations has dramatically increased. In order to successfully defend the activists’ rights in court and prove that they are innocent, it is advisable for the defence counsel to participate in this workshop. The defence council on a case dealing with administrative violations, according to Art. 25.5 of the Administrative Offences Code of the Russian Federation (AOC RF), can be not only a lawyer, but also any person, trusted by the applicant. The goal of the seminar is to prepare people to appear as applicants’ defence council in courts for administrative violations. We invite anyone who is interested to participate in this workshop.

Samples of the required documents, examples of petitions (in Russian):

1. Power of attorney for representation/defence (can be certified by a notary or for free based on place of residence, work, school)

2. Petitions for representation during a court hearing:

Petition to transfer a court case to the place of residence

Petition to postpone a court case for participation of defence council

Petition for participation of the defence council in court

Petition to summon police officers to give witness testimony

Petition to summon witnesses

Petition to exclude evidence from Protocol AP

Petition to attach written explanations to the case

Petition to terminate proceedings on a case (20.2 Section2)

Petition to terminate proceedings on a case (19.3)

Sample of a written explanation for representation in court