In this issue: pluralism of contemporary feminism, “All jobs for all women” campaign news, solidarity in fighting against sexual violence, a report on situation of women human rights defenders, the persecution of a feminist artist from Tajikistan, the story of…
All jobs for all women campaign news
-Six months ago, Kazakhstan shortened the list of professions banned for women and removed 68 jobs from it, but another 219 specializations remain banned. Curiously, these jobs do not match bans proposed for introduction in Russia. How do employment bans…
Bulletin № 65, March 2019. Women’s rights
The issue topic: women’s rights Prostitution is not a “work” but a cruel form of exploitation and discrimination Interview with Grégoire Théry, Co-founder and executive director of the Coalition for the Abolition of Prostitution (CAP international) March 8 – A…
In advance of a review of the situation of women in Kazakhstan by CERD and CESCR as part of the Universal Periodic Review process, the Kazakh government has adopted a new version of the listed of professions banned for women,…
In contemporary Belarus, the profession of tractor operator/machinist is classified as a job “with harmful and (or) dangerous work conditions banned for women.” In other words, the government of Belarus believes that women should not operate tractors and justifies this…
Der Shpiegel: Russischen Frauen ist es in ihrer Heimat verboten, schwere Lkw zu fahren. Einige Truckerinnen setzen sich darüber hinweg. Eine Reportage zeigt den Berufsalltag in einer von Männern dominierten Branche. Sechs Uhr morgens, eine Wohnsiedlung in Sankt Petersburg. Nastja…