All jobs for all women campaign news
Alternative Report to the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women on Azerbaijan The Report by Gender Hub Azerbaijan, supported by ADC Memorial, FemACT
Gender Hub Azerbaijan launched #AllJobs4AllWomen campaign in Azerbaijan. Gender Hub Azerbaijan, a social platform that defends women’s rights, has joined the #AllJobs4AllWomen campaign to lift the list of jobs prohibited for women in Azerbaijan. Əmək Məcəlləsi və digər qanunvericilik mexanizmləri 30-dan çox sahədə qadın əməyinin tətbiqini qadağan edərək...
Achievements in opposing professional bans for women in 2021 News of the campaign #AllJobs4AllWomen Kazakhstan: cancellation of the list of prohibited professions and exclusion of discriminatory articles from the Labor Code On October 12, President Tokayev signed the Law “On Amendments and Additions to Several Legal Acts of the...
The UN CEDAW issued its recommendations to Uzbekistan After considering the state report of Uzbekistan and alternative materials at its 81st session, the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women published recommendations to the Government of the country. Important recommendations of the Committee relate to the...