
Lots of people are suddenly talking about “discrimination,” even though this word is not used readily in Russia, just like the closely-related concept of “minority rights.” Many still find it somehow unpatriotic to protect and defend minority rights and combat…


Crimes and Identity

Is it possible to speak of one people’s guilt before another? Is it necessary? Is it correct? The 20th century saw the emergence of the concept of collective national guilt and the need for “atonement.” This concept was extremely important…


Too personal data

The brother of Adi Rukun, who is featured in the documentary “The Look of Silence” (2014), was brutally killed in the 1960s while the hunt for communists and those who looked like communists was raging in Indonesia. Dictator Suharto came…

The song Russian Woman, which initially appeared to be a simple manifesto for moderate feminism and fashionable body positivity that was entirely appropriate for the Eurovision contest, where “politically correct” messages have triumphed for many years, provoked an outpouring of…

The creative work of feminist artists has become the subject of investigations by various forces—aggressive women-haters, opportunistic politicians, nationalist activists, religious figures, and criminal courts—and is viewed by these connoisseurs of the arts as (circle what applies) “depravity – indecency…


Life in Cells

Did you fall in a hole?/I did./Are you sitting in a hole?/I am./ Are you waiting for a ladder?/I am./Is the hole damp?/It is./ How’s your head?/Whole./So you’re alive?/I am./Well, off I go, then! Oleg Grigoryev Centers for the Temporary…