The documentary film “Various talk” directed by Tatyana Chistova, which had been produced in cooperation with ADC “Memorial”, won the “Best documentary” prize at the 2017 “Golden Wheel” film festival about Romani people, which is held in Macedonia. The film…
On June 12, in cities across the Russian Federation, people gathered to peacefully protest corruption. Many carried Russian flags; some brought anti-corruption signs. Police assembled at the protest sites in advance; almost immediately they began to grab protesters and drag…
France Inter about the campaign #StopLGBTpersecution in CHECHNYA and DONBAS
by Stephania Kulaeva, Director of ADC Memorial On 23 May 2017, the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation issued a decision in the case of Noé Mskhiladze, which mandates strict judicial control and oversight over the length of the detention…
Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation pronounced a decision in a case checking the constitutionality of the norms allowing for the extended, pointless deprivation of a stateless person’s freedom for the purpose of expulsion from the Russian Federation, which is…
ADC Memorial welcomes the concluding observations and recommendations of the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination for Armenia and Moldova, following the 92nd session of CERD UN. ADC Memorial with the partner organizations on Armenia (Civil Society Institute)…