
During the 49th session, opened on 8th November in Geneva, Committee Against Tortureconsidered the fifth periodical report of the Russian Federation on fulfillment of Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishmentwithin past six years. Members…

On Saturday 27 October 2012 in Saint-Petersburg a traditional ‘March against hatred’ took place. The annual action is dedicated to memory of victims of neo-Nazism and xenophobia (the first march took place in 2004 when Nazis killed ethnographer Nikolay Girenko)….

A report “Roma, Migrants, Activists: Victims of Police Abuse” is prepared and submitted to the Committee Against Torture (United Nations) by ADC ‘Memorial’ with the support of FIDH. Concluding observations on the fifth periodic report of the Russian Federation, adopted…

On 23 September 2012 in Petersburg a performance on migration theme “The most tolerant yard of Petersburg” took place. An action happened beyond the house 15 at Liteiny prospect. Labor migrants who live and work in our city participated in…