
We observed an active work on preserving the gipsy traditions in one camp which is located in Savvatyevo settlement in Tver area. Here we have met remarkable people who do not spare power so that the former well-being returns to…

Socialising is one of a person’s basic needs.  Therefore it is unsurprising that language and its problems cause so much debate – language itself is the fundamental means of human communication.  Language is a part of human culture, and just…

Since the beginning of September, I – a Swedish woman with an inexplicable interest in Russia, its language and minorities – have been an intern at ‘Memorial’.  I travel to schools, teach English, talk to children and translate at the…

Fair play, chivalry, respect for the opponent: these are qualities which should be inherent to sport.  Unfortunately, however, the problems of the modern world – racism, xenophobia, hatred – are reflected in sport.  In this there is a well-known paradox:…

In the beginning, the ADC “Memorial” project “Legal Assistance for Settlements of Caldarari Roma in Russia” primarily offered legal support to those experiencing difficulties with respect to housing.  Over time, however, more and more attention has come to be paid…