Article in Spanish La minería del carbón destruye la selva congelada de la región de Siberia. La contaminación de la taiga y los ríos perjudica a los pueblos shor que viven de la caza, la pesca y la recolección. Quienes…
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Arbetaren: Fler jobb till ryska kvinnor
Från och med januari i år har kvinnor i Ryssland rätt att arbeta bland annat som lastbilschaufför, sjökapten och lokförare. Listan från 1974 med förbjudna yrken för kvinnor, som hänvisar till att de kan skada deras “reproduktiva hälsa”, har uppdaterats…
Last month, Russia’s Constitutional Court ruled that there is no lack of clarity in legal provisions that make it possible to strip a person of their Russian citizenship in instances where the person has no other nationality and would be… Several rallies in support of women activists in Belarus and Russia were held in Brussels on March 8. DW report on what Brussels thinks about the “female face” of the protests and the situation in Belarus. In the evening,…
In the summer of 2019, a Russian border policeman died when mass fighting broke out in the town of Chemodanovka outside Penza. Twenty-eight people have been charged in the deadly brawl — all members of Roma families who have lived…
News Brig: To carry out her work, Evgenia Markova had to use an assumed name and keep below the radar of authorities. The 36-year-old is not a spy but rather a truck driver – a profession that was banned for…