
Imprisoned stateless persons in Russia – Kemerovo; Siberia (2016)

Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation pronounced a decision in a case checking the constitutionality of the norms allowing for the extended, pointless deprivation of a stateless person’s freedom for the purpose of expulsion from the Russian Federation, which is impossible when there is no country of citizenship.

Now, Noé Mskhiladze has applied to the Supreme Court with a request for his liberation from detention, following the postiive outcome of his case in the Constitutional Court. However, dozens (and maybe hundreds) of stateless persons are still kept in closed detention centers for an indefinite period of time. A short film about them and their life was created on the basis of video materials of Viktor Nigmatulin, who collected and recorded them, being detained at the SUVSIG detention facility of Kemerovo (Siberia). His aim was to show the world, the tragic situation of the stateless people in detention, almost all of them being citizens of the former Soviet Union unable to obtain citizenship of any of the new states that have emerged following its collapse.

ADC Memorial demands the immediate liberation of all those detained for the absence of citizenship and supports the campaign #lockedinlimbo of the European Network on Statelessness (ENS).