
Two citizens of Tajikistan who served criminal terms in Russia died in the war in Ukraine

Radio Ozodi calls their names: one of the dead is a native of the Khatlon region, 22-year-old Boboaziz Tuidiev. He was detained in Russia in September 2021 on charges of drug possession and sentenced to six years in prison. After the start of mobilization, he was recruited for the war in Ukraine.

Tokhir Tuidiev, the father of Boboaziz, told Ozodi that he learned about the recruitment on September 23 from a telephone conversation with his son: “I said that they should not be sent there, but Boboaziz said that he had no choice. It felt like he was forcibly sent to war.” Kamolkhudzha Goibov, Boboaziz’s uncle, who went after the body of his nephew, told Ozodi: “He was wounded in the back of the head, almost half of his head was missing. The Russian authorities, who promised financial assistance for participation in the war, did not give us a penny. We even had to raise money for the delivery of ‘cargo-200’ [the body of the dead] with the help of migrants,” he said.

The second killed person is 28-year-old Manuchekhr Shodov, a native of the Kushoniyon district. His relatives do not disclose what crime he was convicted of, but it is known that he served his term in a prison in Saint Petersburg. Manuchekhr Shodov’s father told Radio Ozodi on December 21 that the family did not know that their son had been recruited.