
UN Special Rapporteur on Minority Issues Plans Visit to Tajikistan

On June 14, the Special Rapporteur on Minority Issues sent a request to the Tajik authorities to visit the country. Information about this is available in the database of country visits of the UN Special Procedures. The planned visit date is the first half of 2023.

Earlier, the Special Rapporteur and a group of experts expressed concern over the escalation of tension in the Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region of Tajikistan and violations of the rights of the Pamirs living in the region:

Disregard of the Pamiri minority grievances by Tajik authorities and the securitization of the Gorno-Badakhshan autonomous region where they live could lead to a violent conflict if unaddressed. We are deeply troubled by efforts to crack down on protest movements by the Pamiri minority, through arrests, the excessive and unlawful use of force and the involvement of the military. We further call on the authorities to take measures to prevent the spread of the stigmatization against Pamiri protesters.

On May 16, activists of the Pamir diaspora requested international human rights institutions for monitoring, advocacy and assistance during the investigation by law enforcement of the acts that took place on November 25-28, 2021 and caused protests, followed by arrests, persecution, and convictions of the natives of the Pamirs and called for the international community to take immediate action to prevent violent clashes in GBAO.