
ADC Memorial together with its partners informed OSCE about violations of the rights of vulnerable groups in Belarus

ADC Memorial jointly with partners provided the Rapporteur of the OSCE Moscow Mechanism with analytical materials on the violations of the rights of women, children, foreigners, and other human rights challenges in Belarus related to the protests against the falsified presidential elections and massive repressions by the acting government in response.

The report on the situation of women during the protests was prepared jointly with the activists of the Centre for Promotion of Women’s Rights – Her Rights who themselves experienced pressure by authorities. The violations of the rights of women are described in the report, specifically of the women leaders of the protest movement and opposition initiatives, the participants of the demonstrations and various rallies. The information on detention conditions and the situation of women relatives of detainees and victims of human rights violations are also documented.

The second report prepared in partnership with Human Constanta and Article 19 describes violations of the rights of vulnerable groups (children and foreigners), the constitutional reform, judicial processes on so-called ‘extremism’, digital rights and sport.

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