Mrs. V, a citizen of Ukraine, has recently fallen victim of a kind of “know-how” of the Russian judicial system: she was convicted twice on the same day, September 11, 2017, during the session of the Kalininsky district court of…

Tverskoy district court of Moscow ruled in favor of Mr. A., a citizen of the Republic of Uzbekistan, who had earlier made a legal appeal against the decision of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human…
ADC “Memorial” secured overruling of expulsion order, labor migrant re-united with his daughter
On December 2, 2016 the City court of St. Petersburg has overruled earlier district court’s decision to expel Mr. K., citizen of Uzbekistan, who had been found guilty of violation of the rules of stay in the Russian Federation (Article…
St. Petersburg city court has overruled earlier decision on expulsion from Russian Federation to Ukraine of Mr. R.A., a labor migrant and native of Lugansk region of Ukraine, who did not have identity card. Back in April 2016 he was…
Russia’s Supreme Court overturned earlier court ruling concerning the expulsion from Russia of Isfandier Aralov, a student from Tajikistan. Aralov was a student of agricultural college in Leningrad region and back in August 2015 was found guilty of illegally working…
In October and December 2015, the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) issued two principal decisions on legal appeals vs. Russia concerning unacceptability of extradition from Russia to Kyrgyzstan of the citizens of the latter country. These legal cases were…