
  Russian State Duma has hastily passed a new law abolishing obligatory execution of rulings passed by international legal institutions, stating that the Russian Constitutional Court and the president of the Russian Federation are now to decide whether Russian citizens…

Piotr Pavlensky is in detention, but his cause lives on. That is exactly how he sees his role in art – all of his actions are strictly individual and even create an impression of complete loneliness, but in spite of…

Contrary to a popular belief that gender equality supposedly had been established long time ago and forever, women’s rights continue to be violated in many countries throughout the world, Russia being one of them. On October 26, 2015, the UN…

As Russians observe what is happening in Europe from afar, one can find rather few opinions on the migration crisis which are sympathetic to the refugees, as different comments, rather malicious and border on panic (“Europe is dying – and…

What is a “patriotic stop list” from the point of view of the Russian language? As far as I’m concerned, you can not be a patriot, but you must at least have some respect for the Russian language. This ridiculous…