
Women’s Rights – The Bulletin of ADC Memorial is online

In this issue: pluralism of contemporary feminism, “All jobs for all women” campaign news, solidarity in fighting against sexual violence, a report on situation of women human rights defenders, the persecution of a feminist artist from Tajikistan, the story of a newspaper for female migrants in St. Petersburg.

Prostitution is not a “work” but a cruel form of exploitation and discrimination
Interview with Grégoire Théry, Co-founder and executive director of the Coalition for the Abolition of Prostitution (CAP international)

March 8 – A Day of Rights, Witches, Flowers, or Mothers? Stefania KULAEVA

Situation of women human rights defenders. The Report of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders

Solidarity in fighting against violence Stefania KULAEVA

Istanbul Convention in Eastern Europe Patrycja POMPALA

Revisions of Professional Bans for Women: An Ill-Conceived Shortening of the List of Banned Professions in Kazakhstan and Red Tape in Russia Inessa SAKHNO

Official Doublespeak when it Comes to Supporting Mothers Interview with Aina Shormanbayeva, president of the International Legal Initiative Foundation (Kazakhstan)

Discrimination Disguised as Labor Protection: #AllJobs4AllWomen in Belarus

The Situation of Female Tractor Operators in Contemporary Belarus Irina SOLOMATINA

CEDAW and CESCR Experts Call for Repeal of the List of Jobs Banned for Women

CESCR recommended Turkmenistan to abolish prohibitions on professions for women

Gul – A Newspaper for Female Migrants in Saint Petersburg. Ayym Baky and Safrina Khidzhobova, Editorial Board Members

Art against harassment, violence, stereotypes. Interview with Marifat Davlatova, feminist artist