
Saint Petersburg city court ruled down procurator’s appeal against earlier court decision in favor of ADC “Memorial”

On December 16, 2013 deputy chairman of Saint Petersburg city court M. Pavlyuchenko considered appeal № 27-30-2013 (1) by the deputy prosecutor of Saint Petersburg dated November 5, 2013  against the decisions made by the Justice of Peace of district №  8 of Saint Petersburg (dated May 27, 2013) and the decision of the judge of Leninsky district court of Saint Petersburg (dated October 7, 2013) concerning ADC “Memorial”. After having studied the appeal, city court ruled to uphold decisions made earlier by the Justice of Peace and the judge of Leninsky court and to rule down the appeal of the prosecutor’s office.

The court’s statement refers to impossibility of simultaneously charging the organization in accordance with Section 1 of Article 19.34 (i.e. the failure of NGOs in the register in the list of “foreign agents”) and the Section 2 of the same article (failure to publish the status of an NGOs performing the functions of a “foreign agent”) . The city court has also upheld the validity of the conclusions made by the Justice of Peace and the judge of Leninsky district court of Saint Petersburg concerning violations by the prosecutor’s office regarding ADC “Memorial”, namely, the absence of documentary evidence of the grounds for checking ADC “Memorial”, including a check made by the assistant attorney of Nevsky district of Saint Petersburg.

Ruling by the city court dated December 17, 2013 concerning ADC “Memorial”(in Russian): Постановление городского суда от 17.12.2013_АДЦ «Мемориал»

Ruling of the city court dated December 17, 2013 concerning Olga Abramenko (in Russian): Постановление городского суда от 17.12.2013_Абраменко О.А.