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The decision by the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) in Kim v. Russia has strategic significance for similar cases involving the detention with a view toward expulsion of stateless persons in a SUVSIG. No country will accept them, which renders…

Welcome to the website of ADC “Memorial”. We would like to invite you to learn more about our activities: how we work to overcome discrimination of minorities and protection of the rights of migrants in the countries, which formerly were…

At the 113th Session of the UN Committee on Human Rights the 7th periodic report of the Russian government on the implementation of articles of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights by the Russian Federation will be discussed….

On the day of the funeral of Boris Nemtsov – a bold and consistent critic of the Russian authorities, who was killed near the Kremlin by gunshots in the back (the murderer, of course, disappeared without a trace and it…

One year ago so called “green men” appeared in Crimea – people in camouflaged uniforms and balaclavas, without any flags or insignia on their uniforms. They abstained to answer any questions about who they were and where they came from,…