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“Before the Soviet Union collapsed, the Education Ministry insisted that all children attend school, but not now. Forty percent of the children here do not study at all, said Stephania Kulayeva of St. Petersburg’s Memorial Anti-Discrimination Center. The vacuum has…

In June 2012 Russia adopted federal concept of migration policy for the period until 2025, which defined priorities for guaranteeing rights and liberties of people and citizens, stated that all forms of discrimination were unacceptable and that all national and…

International Romani Day was celebrated in several cities and towns in Russia, among them Samara. On this occasion the staff of ADC “Memorial” joined these celebrations. Samara region is home to several Romani population groups: Kotlyar (Căldărari) Roma dwelling in…

Mr. Adilur Rahman Khan, globally known to have critiqued the incumbent government of Bangladesh against its human rights abuses, has been released from prison today, October 11, 2013, after 62 days of prolonged arbitrary detention.

In March 2013 as part of a delegation of human rights defenders from various countries I visited Azerbaijan to take part in a human rights mission organized by the International Federation of Human Rights (FIDH). FIDH is an international movement…