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In 2009 the project “Advocacy of the Roma children’s rights in schools of the Russian Federation” (supported by Save the Children Sweden) was carried out. The teachers and directors of schools with large numbers of Roma students could visit various…

On 16 March, 2010 the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights reviewed the case Orsus and Others v. Croatia, Application No. 15766/03 and ascertained that violations against children’s right to education had taken place.


The Yanopol family

In the village of Chudovo the Kalderash have lived for 20 years. In the village there is a “settlement” school where children receive primary education. However, not many of them study further. (Following the traditions of their fathers and grandfathers),…

On the 10th of March, 2010 the news channels reported that in the Ramenki district of Moscow “a settlement of Gypsies had been liquidated”. The Gypsies mentioned in this news had been coming from Ukraine to the outskirts of Russian…

Soviet rule in the huge territory of the Soviet Union was based on a few simple myths. One of them was the cult of work and workers, another one was the cult of the brotherhood of nations. In official statements…

Kristina Mikhai lives in the village of Kalinichi, near Tambov. There is a big settlement there of the Kelderar Roma existing for 30 years. The Anti-Discrimination Center Memorial helps residents of the village to register their houses and advocates the…


I love you all!

Taisiya Krikunova, a primary school teacher of school No. 71 in Astrakhan, tells about her experience of working with Roma children. The school she works at is participating in the Memorial-organized project “Advocacy of the rights of the Roma children…

Socio-economic rights are not considered by Russian lawyers as obligatory to fulfill and are violated everywhere in Russia. In this article we focus on the socio-economic rights of the Roma population of Russia, though this problem affects all citizens of…


Legal lawlessness

In terms of demographic crisis, the aging of population and the lack of labor forces state authorities to recognize the huge role of migration in empowering the Russian economy. The state strives to govern the migration process, to regulate it…