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The economical and social situation in many Central Asian countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States forces many people to go to Russia “for a better lot”: to earn money and support family and many relatives who retain at home….

I came to St Petersburg to work from my hometown Osh two years ago. For a long time I could not find employment, and I was forced to take any job just not to starve and pay my debts. In…

The presentation of the bilingual book «Gipsy fairy tales» in Romani and Russian languages and audio book on СD (read by the author) by Alexander Klein, took place in St. Petersburg House of Nationalities on April, 5th, 2010.

On October 27, 2009 in the office of ADC MEMORIAL a seminar Children’s Rights at School took place within the framework of the School Ombudsman project supported by the Gagarin Fund. Teachers from 5 schools located in St Petersburg and…

“Dicovering the paths of memory” is a pamphlet devoted to the historical memory of the victims of the Porajmos, genocide of Romani people during the Second World War. The project “National-Socialist Genocide of Romani people – discovering erased paths of…


Dates to remember

Annually members of SPb ОО “Memorial” take part in actions: *     On October, 30th – putting on of colors to the Solovetsky stone on the Troitsk area in St.-Petersburg. *    The first Saturday of June – descent to…


Volunteer work

The aim of this program is to provide psychological support and assistance in carrying out household work to elderly and solitary members of Memorial.  Young volunteers from European countries come to Russia to carry out this work through social organisations…


Financial aid

St Petersburg Memorial regularly offers financial (including medicinal) aid to those members of St Petersburg Memorial, victims of repression, in acute need.

Within the framework of social assistance for repressed persons, the St Petersburg Social Organisation “Memorial” regularly organises meetings, lectures, excursions and trips, and free tickets are distributed in theatres and at concerts.