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ADC «Memorial» publishes a quarterly bulletin which contains a variety of materials: news on all the important events in the organization, the developments of projects and expert articles and materials regarding human rights. There are regular columns such as «…



We continue our series on schools taking part in our project aimed at attracting gypsy children to school education. Today we introduce readers to School 7 in Gatchina, in the district of Marienburg. There have always been gypsy pupils in…

A round table discussion dedicated to the problems of education for Romani children was held on this day in the office of “Memorial”. It was organized by the North-Western Center for Social and Legal Protection of the Roma.



A training seminar was held on 9th of April in the offices of “Memorial”, dedicated to the protection of the rights of the Roma. Representatives of the Romani community in St. Petersburg and the North-West region were invited to the…

Diverse work on getting children of various nationalities, including gypsy children, to go to school has long been going on at School 462 in Pushkin region. Today the third generation of gypsies living in Alexandrovskaya is studying at the school,…