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Anti-Discrimination Centre “Memorial” submitted to UN CRC an alternative report on the implementation by the Russian Federation of the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography….


Tough norms

Over the past two years, the LGBT communities in Crimea and in the part of the Donbass not controlled by Ukraine found themselves under the rule of new laws. Experts of the Anti-discrimination Center “Memorial” interviewed members of gay communities…

The European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) published its conclusions concerning implementation of recommendations on improvement of the legislation in the Russian Federation. Thus, the Commission has responded to the official Russian report, which had been submitted in 2013…

The March for Equality took place in Kiev on June 12. Participants in this peaceful demonstration to protect LGBTI rights in Ukraine demanded equal rights, dignity, and freedom for all the country’s residents, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity….

Representatives of ADC “Memorial” spoke at a conference for NGO’s organized by the Council of Europe, representing the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH). The conference “Only a matter for politicians? Civil society, money and political activities” was held on…

Recently the Russian media has seen yet another surge of “anti-immigrant” publications, which were centered, as it already became usual, around criminal news. The story, which was discussed most loudly, was dubbed “the massacre at Khovanskoye cemetery” or “the battle…