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For many years now, volunteers, “Memorial” activists and historians have sought to preserve the memory of places of death and suffering of millions of victims of Stalinist repression in Russia. In most cases, this has been done at their own…

This report concerns the violations of the rights of stateless persons and foreign citizens placed in the specialized institutions for the temporary detention of foreign citizens (SITDFNs) by Russian courts in order to “guarantee their expulsion from the RF”. In…

The Self-Government Body of the Crimean Tatar People must not be Banned Campaign in solidarity with the Roma of Donbass Roma Woes as a Reflection of the Political Course Stefania KULAEVA Life safety is a universal right with no exceptions…

By the International Roma Day 8th of April, Anti-discrimination Centre Memorial presents a photographic portrait of the Roma of Donbass, whose lives have been upended by war and pogroms. Living amid the devastation of war and lacking the most basic…