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Russian news agencies paid barely any attention to an item that will seem unbelievable, at least to those who understand, of course. On June 30, the Jogorku Kengesh (Kyrgyzstan’s parliament) rescinded (withdrew, removed from the agenda) two pieces of legislation,…

Cries of “Victory for love!” are sounding throughout America as the country celebrates the legalization of same-sex marriage. And this is, of course, a victory. For a great many people, the US Supreme Court’s decision to legalize same-sex marriage represents…

“Novaya Gazeta” had to terminate its work in Chechnya because of the threats received by its journalist Yelena Milashina. Earlier Milashina investigated various dangerous and taboo topics in Chechnya – murders, tortures, reprisals… But her most recent investigation – an…

Editorial Notes New website and new life of Anti-Discrimination Centre “Memorial” International advocacy Roma and War in Eastern Ukraine – refugees, displaced persons, victims of violence ADC Memorial and “Human Rights Movement: Bir Duino – Kyrgyzstan” have submitted an alternative…