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As part of the project “Protecting the Rights of Roma Children in Russian Schools”, this coloring book “Romane Tales” was published in two dialects of the Romani language. This publication is a compilation of translations into the Romani languages (Russian-Roma…

On 23 September 2012 in Petersburg a performance on migration theme “The most tolerant yard of Petersburg” took place. An action happened beyond the house 15 at Liteiny prospect. Labor migrants who live and work in our city participated in…

On 18 September 2012 employees of ADC ‘Memorial’ helped a citizen of Uzbekistan to protect her labour rights which were violated by ‘Algos-Foods’ company. The work which was done by the applicant at canteen ‘1 Kopeyka’ wasn’t paid completely. During…

Different printed releases by ADC ‘Memorial’ were presented on 6-9 September 2012 at the XXV Moscow International Book Fair-Exhibition (section ‘Human rights’). Everybody could have books, brochures, human rights reports for free. For two days a representative of ADC ‘Memorial’…


Seminar in Murmansk

On 26-27 September 2012 in Murmansk a seminar ‘New platform for NGO in sphere of migration’ will take place. The seminar is organized by ADC ‘Memorial’, ‘Memorial’ in Murmansk, Kola Association of Women-Lawyers, Public Oversight Commission in Murmansk region, involving…