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The story of the fight to preserve a spontaneously-built Roma settlement in the city of Chudovo, Novgorod Region, has continued for more than a year. But now, at last, it seems that the light at the end of the tunnel…

On December 6, 2008, a legal seminar involving people from all over the Russian Federation, conducted within the framework of the project “Legal Help for Caldarari Roma Settlements in Russia,” took place at ADC “Memorial.”

On April 8, 2010, on the International Romani Day, Anti-Discrimination Centre “Memorial” released a collection of fairy tales in Roma language (with translation into Russian) by Alexander Klein and a compact disc with the author’s reading of his book. The…

In the village of Rubilovo in the Pskov region, four Romani families have lived for twenty years.  In the past, the adults from these families worked in the kolkhoz, but now their only income is from child and incapacity benefits. Occasionally they manage to earn extra income…

Recently, I was invited to speak at a human rights training seminar for teachers. I was required to talk about Memorial’s work for the integration into the school environment of children from migrant and ethnic minority families, and the education…

Today we will talk with you about manipulation, manipulators and the manipulated.  These days, the subject is both fashionable and relevant.  So, one thing at a time…

In the middle of October this year I was lucky enough to visit Barcelona, the capital of Catalonia, a region of Spain.  The dual heritage Russian-Catalonian family who had invited me organised me a few days of real vacation.  I…


Guest Number

Today’s guest is Timur Khalilov.  He is a student at Kuban State University and a recipient of a grant from the Roma Educational Fund.  In general, he represents a new generation of young Roma who have successfully integrated into modern society. 

I would like to say a few words in response to one of our reader’s letters on the issue of sexual assault, to talk about physical violence against women, about rape, and about the devastating consequences—irreparable damage, both psychological and…