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The issue topic: CHILDREN’S RIGHTS International Child Repatriation Guidelines The Simplest Way to “Formalize” Stefania KULAEVA UN CRC calls on Belarus to protect the rights of migrant children Migrant Children of St. Petersburg on Online Quarantine Bacha Bazi: A Form…

Migrant children cannot be deprived of liberty Deprivation of a child’s liberty solely on the basis of their or their parents’ migration status violates the rights of the child because it contravenes the best interests of the child and leads…

An urgent call to states, donors and other stakeholders to promote and protect the rights of stateless persons in their COVID-19 responses As governments across the world confront the COVID-19 pandemic, facing deeply challenging decisions on protecting public health while…

фото предоставлены очевидцами через дунганских активистов

On February 7, 2020, the most extensive ethnic conflict seen in Kazakhstan in recent years occurred when hundreds of pogromists attacked the Dungan villages of Masanchi, Sortobe, Bular Batyr, and Aukhatty. Against the backdrop of the Kazakh people’s customary belief…

The coronavirus pandemic that has swept across the world and the accompanying quarantine measures have tested many forms of our existence. Staggering changes to the convenient “unity” of the global market, European transnationality, and the customary pace of exchanging goods,…