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Speech of lawyer Tseitlina, representative of E.N.Kalinova (daughter of N.M.Girenko) in the case against the gang of Voevodin and Borovikov accused in killing N.Girenko

An artcile about the visit of the ombudsman to the Roma settlement in Shagol, Chelyabinsk region, was published in the regional newspaper. Human rights activist, Nadezhda Kutepova, cooperates with ADC Memorial within the project “Legal help to Roma settlements in…

In early August the obmudsman in the Chelyabinsk region, Alexei Sevastyanov, visited a Roma settlement in Shagol. ADC Memorial has attracted attention of the municipalities to the status of the residents of the settlement many times. Last time ADC Memorial…

According to the results of the human rights monitoring conducted by ADC Memorial, only 10% of migrant workers obtain work permits via the Federal Migration Service (FMS), while others prefer going to the mediators and legal agenicies. When foreigners come…

On April 2-3, 2011 ADC Memorial held an annual conference within the project “Legal help to Roma settlements in Russia”. This time the traditional exchange of the results and experience and discussions of the project’s problems took place on the…

On September 22, 2009 during the Federal Migration Service raid in the Roma settlement near Saint Peresburg, Anna Lakatos, Pavel Gabor and Aladar Forkos – Roma-magyars born in Beregovo, Carpathian Ukraine – were arrested as having no documents. Pavel Gabor…