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ADC Memorial supports demands to end political repressions in Crimea, release deputy chairman of the Mejlis Nariman Dzhelyal and other Crimean Tatar activists from prison without delay, and investigate evidence of torture that Dzhelyal’s attorney referred to. Dzhelyal and the…

The Independent Barents Observer, a media resource covering problems of the Russian-Norwegian border territories, was blocked by Roskomnadzor in 2019. ADC Memorial supported the appeal against the illegal restriction of freedom of speech at the national level, and after all…

I remember August 2011 as the month my friend and colleague Ales Bialiatski, a human rights defender and director of the Belarussian Viasna Human Rights Centre, was arrested. Bialiatski was immediately recognized as a political prisoner being prosecuted for this human…

The BBC has released a major report about the problem of job bans and the women fighting for the cancellation of the list of banned professions. Among the heroes of the campaign #AllJobs4AllWomen are Oksana Shevalye and Svetlana Medvedeva The…

The tenth and final story in Yana Tannagasheva’s project “Coal is killing us” is about what should replace the barbaric coal mining in the Kuzbass region. “My tenth and final story about coal titled “A Different Life…” A different life;…

The ninth story from the series “Coal is killing us” by Yana Tannagasheva about the danger of the coal industry for the climate. Today the coal industry is the dirtiest way of producing energy and presents a major threat to…

The eighth “Story about Coal” by Yana Tannagasheva. A video about the persecution and repression faced by opponents of barbaric coal mining. People who have stood up for their land against the barbaric practices of coal mining are systematically subjected…