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Deutschlandfunk (In German): Mehr als 450 Berufe dürfen Frauen in Russland nicht ausüben. Offizielle Begründung: Die Fortpflanzungsfähigkeit der Frau müsse geschützt werden. Aber die Regeln aus Sowjetzeiten sind umstritten – und könnten demnächst gelockert werden. ADC Memorial hat wegen politischen…

The issue is devoted to the different manifestations of discriminations and the ways to combat them. News within the campaign for the abolition of the list of prohibited professions for women #AllJobs4AllWomen, pogroms of Roma settlements in Russia, persecution of…

The campaign #AllJobsforAllWomen First results of the ALL JOBS FOR ALL WOMEN campaign in Russia: Russian Ministry of Labor partially abolishes job prohibitions for women Curtailing of the Russian List of Professional Bans for Women: Legal Aspects Inessa Sakhno Lawyers…

The Nobel Peace Prize this year will be awarded to Nadia Murad and Denis Mukwege. On December 10, 2018 they will deliver speeches that are certainly worth listening to for everybody. Everybody, including those who did not listen before, did…