
ADC Memorial’s thematic bulletin “Anti-Discrimination” was issued

The annual issue of ADC Memorial’s human rights bulletin ” Anti-Discrimination” has been published. The issue focuses on violations of the rights of groups vulnerable to discrimination: Crimean Tatars, Ukrainian Roma, migrant workers, representatives of indigenous peoples of the Russian Federation, and LGBTIQ Russian Federation in the situation of Russia’s war against Ukraine.

Also in the Bulletin: discrimination and violations of the rights of ethnic minorities in Central Asia (Dungan in Kazakhstan, Pamiris in Tajikistan, inhabitants of Karakalpakstan in Uzbekistan); consideration by UN committees of country reports on minority rights in Azerbaijan, Georgia, Russia, Tajikistan; the problem of gender inequalities in labour sphere; and others.


The Year of monitoring: the Situation of Minorities and Migrants

The Discrimination and Persecution of Crimean Tatars in 2014-2022

Roma From Ukraine: A Year of War and Flight

“Numerous serious violations of human rights in the Russian Federation”: UN HRC issued recommendations to Russia

The UN CERD found the Russian Federation responsible for numerous violations of the Convention on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

Proverbial Defense. Russia reports to the UN Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial DiscriminationOlga ABRAMENKO, ADC Memorial

Joint report on the situation in Russia in the frame of the UPR: racism and discrimination based on ethnicity, migration status and citizenship

ADC Memorial submitted reports within the framework of the UPR on the situation of vulnerable groups in Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan

The UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination issues recommendations to Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan announces adoption of anti-discrimination law

UN CERD drew attention to the problem of discrimination against Roma children in Georgian schools

ADC Memorial’s Statement at the UN Forum on Minority Issues

Ethnic Minorities in Central Asia: from non-recognition to stigma and discrimination. ADC Memorial side event during the OSCE/ODIHR Human Dimension Conference

Verdict in the Nukus Case: Risks of a Kosovo ScenarioAlisher ILKHAMOV, Director of Central Asia Due Diligence

Repressions against the Pamiris in Tajikistan: numerous victims, lawlessness, impunityRustamjon JONIEV

The UN CERD called for an end to the repression against the Pamirs in Tajikistan

The Tragedy of the Dungan and the Subsequent Impunity of the Perpetrators as Catalysts for the Violation of National Minority Rights in Central Asia Amid Global Processes

Delegates at the Stockholm+50 international meeting developed a new declaration on the rights of indigenous peoples

The discussion “How the lives of the indigenous inhabitants of Siberia are being destroyed” was held during the OSCE/ODIHR conference

Indigenous Peoples of the Russian Federation. Violations of the rights of people belonging to groups vulnerable to discrimination in war situations

The fear of “gender”Olga ABRAMENKO, ADC Memorial

On the 8th of March, we are summing up the impact of the #AllJobs4AllWomen campaign

UN CEDAW recommends Azerbaijan to revoke occupational bans for women

UN CEDAW called on the authorities of Ukraine and Armenia to take measures to improve the situation of women from vulnerable groups in labor sphere

Persecution of LGBTI+ people during the year of war

A new report of ADC Memorial and LGBT organisations under the UN UPR on gender discrimination in Russia

No Age Limit for People-404Olga ABRAMENKO, ADC Memorial

Censorship and identityStefania KULAEVA, ADC Memorial