Under its early warning and urgent action procedure, the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination again requested information from the government of Kazakhstan on the current situation of the Dungans living in the south of the country and…
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From 28 April to May 1, an armed conflict took place in the Kyrgyzstan-Tajikistan borderland, leading to 52 deaths, over 300 others injured, mass displacement, and destruction of civilians’ homes. The International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH), together with 12…
“The Shor and Teleut are indigenous peoples of Kemerovo region. We are hunters, fishermen, we gather herbs and berries. But now we are urbanized and assimilated. Almost all of us live in cities. Because our habitat is being destroyed, our…
Article in Spanish La minería del carbón destruye la selva congelada de la región de Siberia. La contaminación de la taiga y los ríos perjudica a los pueblos shor que viven de la caza, la pesca y la recolección. Quienes…
ADC Memorial publishes the first video of the YouTube blog Coal kills us created by Yana Tannagasheva, who represents the indigenous people of West Siberia – Shor, Yana speaks about the tragedy of Shor villages that get literary buried under…
Too personal data
The brother of Adi Rukun, who is featured in the documentary “The Look of Silence” (2014), was brutally killed in the 1960s while the hunt for communists and those who looked like communists was raging in Indonesia. Dictator Suharto came…
On April 27, 2021 the court in Taraz, Southern Kazakhstan, announced its final verdict in the case concerning anti-Dungan pogroms, which had occurred in February 2020. The longest terms of imprisonment (15-20 years) were received by the attackers, whose actions…
Tomorrow, on April 27, 2021, the final stage of the trial in the high-profile case concerning anti-Dungan pogroms that took place more than a year ago, on February 7-8, 2020, will begin in Taraz, Kazakhstan. Announcing the final verdict will…
Arbetaren: Fler jobb till ryska kvinnor
Från och med januari i år har kvinnor i Ryssland rätt att arbeta bland annat som lastbilschaufför, sjökapten och lokförare. Listan från 1974 med förbjudna yrken för kvinnor, som hänvisar till att de kan skada deras “reproduktiva hälsa”, har uppdaterats…
Dungans of Kazakhstan call for justice
In the coming days the final verdict is expected to be pronounced by the court in the town of Taraz, in Southern Kazakhstan, in the high-profile case concerning pogroms of the Dungan villages of Masanchi, Bular Batyr and Aukhatty, which…